
Surprise Mail

Do you like receiving mail? Not email, but a tangible piece of mail, the old-fashioned written correspondence. My oldest daughter loves the mail. When she was little, she never understood why she did not receive any mail. I explained to her that in order to receive the kind of...

What does GRACE sound like?

Grace sounds like a full cup. Grace sounds like it is running over. Grace comes from a well so deep that it is >greater than I can fathom. No one knows its depths but the Father and Son. It doesn’t dry up. Grace must sound like happiness since it...

Hello Texas

It seems that God has put me back right where I started. Not quite, but almost. In this picture are my adorable new daughters in Christ. 20 daughters of the King gathered last week as we began the GEM’s ministry in Houston. (Girl’s Enrichment Ministry) In addition to that,...

Am I Doing Enough for the Kingdom?

You ask, what Kingdom? Countries with monarchies? No, I mean The Supreme Kingdom, the one in which God rules and overrules, the one where He is sovereign. We are modern day workers in His Kingdom, or we are supposed to be….we are on-the-ground agents for Jesus Christ. We are...

Summer’s Over, Almost…

It’s that time of year when I pick up where I left off in May. Not really sure if I am every ready to pick it all back up again. When summer arrives, I let everything go. And I mean everything, which is why you haven’t heard from me....

Using Words Efficiently

They say as you get older that your mouth has no filter. For me, I would say that is partially true. I talk to more people now that I don’t even know more than ever before. That could be because I have only lived here 20 months. My mouth...

Operating Equipment Efficiently

Yesterday I was entering a large, high school parking lot to park and watch one of my teens play Varsity Tennis. As I waited for a student to get into her super-sized Jeep Wrangler, I couldn’t help but wonder, “What were her parents thinking when they awarded her with...

Happy Easter

You may all be hopping (excuse the pun!) around like crazy to get oot (out of town) for Spring Break or for the Easter holiday so I”ll keep this one short. On my way home from carpool this AM I was listening to my Passion CD and Chris Tomlin...

Hurry Up or HU Part 2

First things first, if you did not read the post before this as you were getting ready for Spring Break, please read Hurry Up and Wait Part 1. If you are in a hurry, you need to know that HU means “Hurry Up,” or “Hurry-Upping.” Got it? When I...

Hurry Up and Wait — PART 1

Americans do a lot of rushing around. I do a lot of rushing around only to “hurry up and wait” once I get there. Think about your day. What are you doing? Rise early, hurry up and take care of the dogs before I wake the girls. Hurry up...